Territorial value chain in the "Tierra Brava" farm as a contribution to food security

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María Eugenia Ramos Crespo
Jesús Darío Gorgoy Rodríguez
Yamilet Mirabal Sarria
Onai Martínez Díaz


The management of food and nutritional security is one of the priority elements within the government agenda in Cuba, as indicated in the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030 and Law 148/2022 on Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutritional Security. This requires multi-actoral, multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary participation, led by the government. In this endeavor, it is essential to strengthen the capacities of local actors to manage, in a context of decentralization, the set of public policies, strategies, programs and projects that give content to the management of local development. In this sense, the research is aimed at designing a territorial value chain of agroecological products in the "Tierra Brava" farm in the municipality of Los Palacios, which contributes to municipal self-sufficiency by increasing the supply of canned fruits, vegetables and condiments, on the basis of public-private articulation, linkage in terms of closing the production cycle, knowledge management and innovation and technology transfer. The theoretical methods used were historical-logical, systemic and hypothetical-deductive, and as empirical ones, observation and the documentary analysis. From their implementation, impacts were achieved related to the increase of agricultural productive capacities, increase in the yield of their plots and the diversity of products, the use of renewable energy sources, the application of agroecological practices, generation of employment for women and young people, better conditions and capacities of a point of sale of fresh processed and frozen products.


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How to Cite
Ramos Crespo, M. E., Gorgoy Rodríguez, J. D., Mirabal Sarria, Y., & Martínez Díaz, O. (2022). Territorial value chain in the "Tierra Brava" farm as a contribution to food security. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 10(3), 771–786. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/557
Experiences of good practices


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