Corporate environmental management: its current state in the Industrial Fishing Company of La Coloma
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In recent times, corporate environmental management has taken on greater significance due to the impact of this sector on the environment. There are several concepts that are handled in relation to the term, but its essence lies in the set of actions and strategies through which the actions of any organization are guided, in order to achieve an adequate quality of life, preventing or mitigating the environmental problems generated by them. The objective of this research is to diagnose the current state of environmental management in the Industrial Fishing Company of La Coloma in Pinar del Río, constituting an opportunity to incorporate environmental issues into the strategic plans, policies and work objectives related to this matter, which will contribute to guarantee a solid environmental performance and control the impact generated by its activities as part of its corporate social responsibility. The historical-logical method was used to study the historical evolution of environmental management. Documentary analysis, interviews and surveys were used as techniques to study the environmental problems and the perception of the company's managers and workers on the process of corporate environmental management. The main results are the insufficient management for the proper handling of waste and the insufficient training and awareness of managers and workers regarding the environmental issues.
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