Resilience of tourism to natural phenomena. Comparison of cases from Cuba and Ecuador

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William Patricio Proaño Ponce
Jorge Freddy Ramírez Pérez
Iverilys Pérez Hernández


Resilience as a concept emerged to describe and explain why some cities that suffered crises and disasters managed to revitalize their economies and renovate deteriorated spaces after a disaster, while other cities do not find a way to do so. From the tourist field, with a resilience perspective, the destinations where this activity is developed must be able to resist the changes that the environment exerts on them and respond to disaster situations in an adequate manner in these adversities. In this sense, the objective of the research is aimed at demonstrating the need for further studies to identify behaviors that strengthen the tourism sector. The issue of resilience in tourism was addressed with a sustainable approach through the most relevant international documentary review. In addition, the analysis, synthesis and use of the historical-logical was used to support research that precedes that proposed in the present research. The result obtained makes it possible to identify Cuba and Ecuador with appropriate procedures that record experiences of reaction and recovery to crises or disasters and that have been decisive in times of facing a crisis.


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How to Cite
Proaño Ponce, W. P., Ramírez Pérez, J. F., & Hernández, I. P. (2018). Resilience of tourism to natural phenomena. Comparison of cases from Cuba and Ecuador. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 225–240. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biographies

William Patricio Proaño Ponce, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - UNESUM

Docente al amparo de la modalidad por contrato de servicios profesionales en la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - UNESUM, en áreas de conocimiento de sistemas de información y comunicación

Jorge Freddy Ramírez Pérez, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Doctor en Ciencias Geográficas, Profesora principal del Centro de Estudios Gerencia, Desarrollo Local, Cooperativismo y Turismo (CE-GESTA)

Iverilys Pérez Hernández, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Doctora en Ciencias Geográficas, Profesora Titular, Centro de Estudios Gerencia, Desarrollo Local, Cooperativismo y Turismo (CE-GESTA)


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