Proposed improvement of the Accounting System of Non-Agricultural Cooperatives
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The improvement of the accounting system of the cooperatives should contribute to the consolidation of the cooperative role as a way of economic and social development, in the sphere of agricultural production, and in other sectors of the economy, raising the levels of efficiency and economic efficiency, productive and social. The research is aimed at: Perfecting the accounting system of the non-agricultural cooperative "Café Pinar", based on a set of tools for each of the subsystems that comprise it, which contributes to the improvement of the accounting information generated as part of its management process. The results of the research focus on: the theoretical and methodological foundations of Accounting and Accounting Systems, the results of the diagnosis of the Accounting System of the non-agricultural Cooperative "Café Pinar" and the tools for each of the subsystems that make up the Accounting system of the cooperative. In the development of the research, theoretical methods such as the historical and the logical ones were applied, among these the systemic, the modeling and the axiomatic-deductive. In addition to empirical methods such as scientific observation and measurement. Based on the diagnosis made, the existing deficiencies in the Accounting System of the cooperative object of study were determined. On this basis, the proposal was made to improve its Accounting System that will contribute to the improvement of the accounting information that the cooperative generates as part of its management.
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