Published: 2023-11-14

Economic instruments for the environmental management: notes for Cuba

Yusimit Betancourt Alayón, Laura Sánchez Monteagudo, Raúl Rangel Cura, Beatriz Ubieta Fernández, Fátima María Dorado Corona


Memory Tourism and inventory of attractions in the destination Santiago de Cuba

Yeilan Ivette González Odio, Joanna Tejera Mosquera, Víctor Matos Carballosa, Eddy Soria Leyva


Behavior regarding vegetable waste in a sample of Cuban households

Yaima Hernández Beltrán, Michely Vega León, Leidy Casimiro Rodríguez, Onelia Virginia Rodríguez Polanco, Onelquis Regla Gutiérrez Nodarse
