Cooperative network of community tourism. Development alternative in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve
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In the face of profound changes and needs in rural environments, tourism represents a holistic development alternative for the use of resources and social cohesion that generates benefits. In the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve in Querétaro, Mexico, several community-based tourism ventures have recently been integrated but work in a disjointed manner, limiting their strengthening and consolidation. The objective of the present study was to analyze whether the integration of a network can be a tool for local development in the region. Through participatory action research with a constructivist approach and techniques such as semi-structured interviews, community workshops and participatory observation, the visionary perspective of the communities, entrepreneurs, and the main public, private and governmental institutional actors at the local level was rescued. The results highlight cooperativism, from a theoretical perspective, as a cornerstone of community tourism, where social cohesion generates better results. On the other hand, from practice, the Network was formed with self-management and protagonism of the community, in a solidary, viable and environmentally responsible tourism activity. It is concluded by visualizing that planning from the cooperation among diverse actors can achieve a development with a sustainable approach.
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