Strategy of formation and training for the basic units of cooperative production. Actions for their implementation
Main Article Content
The present article on the Strategy of Formation and Training of the human resources in the Basic Units of Cooperative Production (UBPC) in the county of Pinar del Rio, she allows to find solutions and answers specifically to those problems that it presents the Cooperative Sector, the UBPC, in this matter.
The implementation of the strategy of Formation and Training had great importance since applying the same one, they could get rich our cooperatives, of elements that contribute to the obtaining of a bigger level of efficiency and effectiveness of the human resources, given by the knowledge that they can acquire the same ones.
The article approaches the topics of Administration of human resources, formation and training theoretically, the elements of the functional strategy, and lastly a journey for the Cooperative Sector leaving of its emergence until specifying the characteristics of the Basic Units of Cooperative Production as part of the same one.
He is also carried out a valuation of the current situation as for Formation and Training of the human resources in the UBPC of the County of Pinar del Ro. This is made going to different diagnosis techniques. Later on they intend the actions that allow the implementation of this strategy.
Article Details
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