Procedure for the provision of accounting services by non-agricultural cooperatives in Cuba

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Yunier Ricardo Torres
Yunelsy Ortiz Chávez


The cooperative movement in Cuba was characterized until the end of 2012 by its exclusive scope in the agricultural sector. Since the updating of the economic and social model, these forms of management were inserted in other sectors of the economy to diversify it. Thus, professional services cooperatives were approved, including accounting services. At the time of their emergence, these associations did not have an organizational level that would allow them to implement models or procedures aimed at regulating their performance. That is why the objective of this research is to design a procedure for the provision of accounting services by non-agricultural cooperatives in Cuba in order to favor their management. To carry it out, theoretical and empirical research methods were applied to contextualize the scope of the social objects of these cooperatives to the national environment. As a result, a procedure was obtained where the stages to execute the service were defined and integrated in steps and tasks for the establishment of a methodological instrument with documented information. It also allowed the coherent conjugation of methods and techniques that facilitate the work of the acting member and have an impact on the cooperative business management.


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How to Cite
Ricardo Torres, Y., & Ortiz Chávez, Y. (2023). Procedure for the provision of accounting services by non-agricultural cooperatives in Cuba. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(2), e546. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biographies

Yunier Ricardo Torres, Non-agricultural Cooperative "Procura". Santa Clara

Departamento de prestacion de servicios

Yunelsy Ortiz Chávez, University of Holguín "Oscar Lucero Moya"

Profesora Titular. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial


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