Empowerment of rural women in agricultural cooperatives

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Nelly Camejo Leyva
Celia Díaz Cantillo
Frank Yudier Gómez Cera


The agricultural cooperative sector in Cuba, like others, is inserted in social processes to meet the needs of women and take advantage of all their potential, capabilities and opportunities that promote more equitable gender relations and the empowerment of women in rural areas. This research was carried out in the period March-September 2022, in six agricultural cooperatives of the Limonar of Monte Ruz and was aimed at developing activities for the empowerment of rural women in the inter-cooperation of agricultural cooperatives. The results obtained in the diagnosis, through the indicators determined, show that there are still insufficient actions and activities aimed at the participation in the incorporation of rural women from their traditional knowledge, low incidence of the role of rural women in intercooperation and their direct participation in the diversification of traditional agricultural productions and low economic acquisition for themselves and their families. The experience has an impact on the empowerment of rural women in intercooperation and the transformation of new knowledge, know-how and traditions, who assume new ways of doing and producing in the economy and are trained through bulletins on basic concepts of gender, empowerment of rural women, self-esteem, knowledge management and documents on the implementation of policies established for Cuban women and, especially, women in the cooperative sector transform the attitude of men and women in the diversification of productions.


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How to Cite
Camejo Leyva, N., Díaz Cantillo, C., & Gómez Cera, F. Y. (2024). Empowerment of rural women in agricultural cooperatives . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(3), e703. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/703
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