Comprehensive management of risk and insurance: distinctive features in agricultural cooperatives

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María del Carmen Meralla Cruz
Yenileidys Lorenzo Cabezas
Marta María Cruz Bravo


In the current Cuban context, based on the demands of endogenous local development and the natural, environmental, technological, socioeconomic and legal environment in which agricultural cooperatives develop their activities, the improvement of comprehensive management of risk and insurance systems is an unavoidable need, as an essential component of their management, since it allows these organizations to face more effectively the events to which they are exposed. In the specific case of the municipality of Consolación del Sur, there are 50 structures of this type, which are key to the development of the municipality's productive center and, therefore, to local sustainable development. In recent years, these organizations have had important losses due to different events, especially natural and technological, which have affected their economic and financial stability. The research presented here is aimed at analyzing the particularities of the process of comprehensive management of risk and insurance in the agricultural cooperatives of the municipality of Consolación del Sur. For its development, theoretical and empirical methods were used, as well as techniques for the collection and processing of information, making it possible to carry out a diagnosis of the current state of the process under study in the agricultural cooperatives of the municipality, which allowed determining the management that these organizations make of uncertainty, risks and insurance, the development of appropriate tools for the identification, evaluation, reduction, mitigation and control of the risks that affect the normal development of these companies, as key actors for the development of the municipality.


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How to Cite
Meralla Cruz, M. del C., Lorenzo Cabezas, Y., & Cruz Bravo, M. M. (2023). Comprehensive management of risk and insurance: distinctive features in agricultural cooperatives . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(3), e700. Retrieved from
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