Environmental education strategy for local development

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Evelyn Pérez Rodríguez
Elisa Maritza Linares Guerra
Dora Lilia Márquez Delgado
Raymundo Vento Tielve


The interrelation between community environmental education and local development prepares the individual to be able to improve his or her relationship with the natural environment, and thus the way of thinking and acting. The purpose of this work was to design strategic actions of environmental education for the local development of the "Alvarito Díaz" community, highlighting the links that make possible a socially responsible action in the natural environment, with a view to sustainable local development. A descriptive observational study was carried out with the application of theoretical and empirical methods, and the application of the SWOT matrix to obtain a general perspective of the local situation. As a result, an environmental strategy was designed with a series of elements based on the system approach, which proposes actions to develop strengths, reduce weaknesses, locate and take advantage of opportunities and reduce the threats encountered. Its design had a high level of satisfaction on the part of the users to provide new ways to generate significant changes in behavior and development through training and education of the different social actors.


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Pérez Rodríguez, E., Linares Guerra, E. M., Márquez Delgado, D. L., & Vento Tielve, R. (2024). Environmental education strategy for local development . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(2), e669. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/669
Original articles


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