Design of the functional marketing strategy in meat industry enterprises

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Yadaris Guerra Delgado
Diana de la Nuez Hernández
Luis Gustavo Marín Cuba


The current marketing management process in the Pinar del Río Meat Enterprise, in charge of both production and marketing of fresh and processed beef and pork products, integrated to the Food Industry Business Group and, in turn, attached to the Ministry of Food Industry, is carried out on an empirical basis, which affects the decision-making process in the medium and long term and business performance with efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy, which is the research problem addressed in this article. To facilitate its solution, the objective was defined as: to design a procedure for the design of the functional marketing strategy, which contributes to the strengthening of the decision-making process and to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy of organizational performance. Among the main methods used are the systemic-structural method, to establish the interrelationships between the organization and its environment, the triangulation method to analyze the assessment links in the customer approach, which serves as the basis for the procedure proposal. In relation to the techniques used, the survey, the interview and the documentary analysis stand out. As for the main results of the research, the adoption of a progressive approach to marketing is achieved and, consequently, an improvement in the levels of customer satisfaction and other indicators based on criteria of efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy of business management in general.


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How to Cite
Guerra Delgado, Y., de la Nuez Hernández, D., & Marín Cuba, L. G. (2023). Design of the functional marketing strategy in meat industry enterprises . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(3), e665. Retrieved from
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