Evaluation and improvement of the functions of the management process in a tobacco enterprise

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Dainel Falcón Corrales
Anisley Herrera Pineda
Aidelisa Álvarez Gutiérrez
Luis Alberto Estrada Hernández


The Administration frames most of the indispensable elements to guarantee the management and the fulfillment of the objectives in an enterprise, while the direction or management of any entity has the responsibility to watch over the use of the resources in such a way that the planned results are achieved. Based on this, a study of the different definitions of management, as well as of each of the functions that make up the management process in the Empresa de Acopio y Beneficio de Tabaco San Luis was made, with the objective of evaluating the functioning of the management cycle in this entity and proposing a series of measures focused on mitigating the weaknesses found. To this end, an interview was conducted with managers and workers, the results of which, together with the bibliographic study and other methodologies, led to a series of measures and recommendations to the entity's direction. It is concluded by proposing generalization actions both for the subordinate Base Business Units and for other enterprises in the sector.


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How to Cite
Falcón Corrales, D., Herrera Pineda, A., Álvarez Gutiérrez, A., & Estrada Hernández, L. A. (2022). Evaluation and improvement of the functions of the management process in a tobacco enterprise. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 10(1), 240–252. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/487
Experiences of good practices


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