Published: 2024-06-11

Procedure for the management of accounting information in companies in the commerce sector

José García Martínez, Anisley Herrera Pineda, Miladys María Garrido Cervera, Ibis Laritza Rizo García, Betty Leidis Borges Estrada


Analysis of the risk integral management in a company of the transportation sector

Luis Manuel Román Torres, María Eugenia Ramos Crespo, Roberto Enrique Taño Lazo , Brígido García Páez


Environmental education strategy for local development

Evelyn Pérez Rodríguez, Elisa Maritza Linares Guerra, Dora Lilia Márquez Delgado, Raymundo Vento Tielve


Procedure for the design of competitiveness indicators of a tourist destination

José Antonio Mora Sánchez, Dainaze Calvente Suárez, Rosario León Robaina, Graciela Castellanos Pallrols, Eddy Soria Leyva


Community perception in San Juan de Churin on the impact of tourism on local development

Mariela Stacy Solano Lavado , Florisa Graciela García Chumioque, Patricia Maribel Yllescas Rodríguez, Mirlandia Odilia Valdés Florat


Cooperative network of community tourism. Development alternative in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve

Eduardo Mata Arratia, Yanelli Daniela Palmas Castrejón, Rocío del Carmen Serrano Barquín, Andrea Edurne Jiménez Ruíz
