Strategic Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals. Bibliometric study to guide municipal management

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Dariel de León García
Jesús Suárez Hernández
Mailyn Esther Castro Premier


In Cuba, the Local Development Strengthening Program has worked on the strategic localization of the Sustainable Development Goals in the country's municipalities. It can be affirmed that local spaces are, ultimately, the key place for provision and development and, as such, local governments are central to the success of sustainable development from municipal management. The present study aims to identify through a bibliometric survey, the contribution of the Strategic Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals to municipal management. The study is based on the analysis of the scientific production available in specialized academic databases between the years 2019 and 2023. The research employed theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis and hypothetical-deductive, empirical methods, as well as computer and mathematical-statistical tools for data processing. The main result of the study is the identification of guiding aspects that provide municipal management with useful guidelines for action towards 2030.


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de León García, D., Suárez Hernández, J., & Castro Premier, M. E. (2024). Strategic Localization of the Sustainable Development Goals. Bibliometric study to guide municipal management . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(3), e720. Retrieved from
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