Procedure for the determination of positions profiles by competencies in a fishing enterprise

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Tamara Despaigne Mustelier
Tania Vargas Fernández


Competency-based management has acquired special relevance in the last decades, due to the role played by labor competencies as the dynamizing axis of the key processes of human resources management. This article tackles the development of a research carried out in the Pinar del Río Fishing Enterprise PESCARIO, with the purpose of proposing a procedure for the determination of positions profiles by competencies that will contribute to a better management of human resources in the entity. The historical-logical theoretical method was used with the support of the documentary analysis technique, mainly in the study of different technologies for the determination of competencies that served as theoretical-methodological referents, which allowed determining their main contributions and limitations as a basis for the proposal made. As a result of the work, a procedure was designed that establishes the stages and steps for the determination of positions profiles by competencies in the entity under study, which will constitute the guide to determine the competencies, requirements, functions, working conditions and responsibilities inherent and required to an occupation or position, as well as express the relationship of the strategic objectives and goals with the capabilities to be developed by the personnel of the organization.


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How to Cite
Despaigne Mustelier, T., & Vargas Fernández, T. (2023). Procedure for the determination of positions profiles by competencies in a fishing enterprise . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(3), e645. Retrieved from
Original articles


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