Relationship of differential income and revenues as a taxable base in the Cuban agricultural sector

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Dainel Falcón Corrales
Odalys Labrador Machín
Araisa Duque Rodríguez
Magela Alonso Cabrera


Income relations, present in the construction of socialism, have not been applied either theoretically or practically through the payment of taxes or other forms in which they could be captured, which means that they are not taken into account when calculating the tax base or in the differentiation of producers, according to the type of soil on which they work. For its part, the tobacco industry constitutes a line of vital importance for the country's economy as an exportable item, recognized for its quality, purity and combination of knowledge that identify it especially in the western region of Cuba, where the soil characteristics are ideal to obtain higher levels of productivity, potentialities that are not yet exploited to the maximum. The objective of the present work lies in: To assess, on the basis of the theoretical referents of differential income, the need for the capture of differential revenue as a tax base in enterprises and cooperatives of the Cuban agricultural sector. For its fulfillment, the historical-logical and systemic-structural theoretical methods and empirical methods such as measurement and observation, among others, were used. The main result of the research lies in a diagnosis that demonstrates the need to calculate taxes taking differential revenues as a taxable base in tobacco enterprises, based on the theory of differential income, which will allow increasing the state budget from tax revenues.


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How to Cite
Falcón Corrales, D., Labrador Machín, O., Duque Rodríguez, A., & Alonso Cabrera, M. (2023). Relationship of differential income and revenues as a taxable base in the Cuban agricultural sector. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(1), e562. Retrieved from
Original articles


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