"The commune, site community action and transformation"
Main Article Content
Whereas Review argues that current environmental knowing, which requires rethinking actions, evaluate new contexts that affect the needs and motivations of people to participate in the change, we have to reconstruct the environment with "new knowledge environmental "to identify the main negative impacts on the environment, the human environment, economic environment and the natural environment Worked with people of Jesus Suarez Soca CPA, to prepare them for agro ecological measures that respond to diagnosis, based on the MST OP/15 Project. The Community Working Group of the Project which OP/15 stay composed of community members, seniors, youth, women, students, representatives of organizations such as ANAP, FMC, members of the peasant band, delegates and managers created CPA so that everyone could participate in change from their areas of influence, the structure was approved by the majority of a president, secretary, and members popularizer. The main objective of the group is trained in the areas of MST, and economic, social and environmental impact of it, and transmit it in a practical way in their spheres of influence.
In this process it was possible to disclose the actions taken and improvements in SLM practices and go on exchanging events, competitions and other areas of the municipality, the province and internationally for farmers to be incorporating these measures MST.
Article Details
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