Environmental strategy from the perspective of cooperative enterprise management

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Ania Bustio Ramos
Odalys Labrador Machín
Miriela Mitjans Madan


Contributing to economic and social development on a sustainable basis, as established in Cuban environmental management and policy, makes it impossible to postpone the social duty of organizations towards the environment. In this sense, it is necessary to improve the economic and financial mechanisms to face environmental problems, as well as to strengthen the tools, mechanisms and instruments aimed at guaranteeing the administration and rational use of natural resources, as established in the Environmental Law approved in Cuba. The management of non-agro livestock cooperatives should be based on a strategic planning that facilitates the vision of change that makes its positioning in the market and its socio-environmental projection viable. A descriptive study of the management process from the environmental dimension of the non-agro livestock cooperative "Café Pinar", in the municipality of Pinar del Rio, is carried out with the purpose of proposing actions that contribute to the improvement of the environmental management of this organization. The methodology used is the enterprise diagnosis in which the insufficient incorporation of the environmental dimension in the integral management strategy of the organization is highlighted as the main problem. In this sense, it is proposed as an objective to design an environmental strategy that allows to give solution to the main environmental problems existing today in this entity, as well as to have a strategic planning with an environmental approach that indicates the direction of the organization and turns it into an environmentally responsible and committed organization with the environment.


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How to Cite
Bustio Ramos, A., Labrador Machín, O., & Mitjans Madan, M. (2021). Environmental strategy from the perspective of cooperative enterprise management. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 9(3), 986–1016. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/472
Original articles
Author Biographies

Ania Bustio Ramos, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Profesora Titular, Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca, Pinar del Río, Cuba.

Odalys Labrador Machín, Center of Studies on Management, Local Development, Tourism and Cooperativism (CE-GESTA). University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de la Habana (1998). Master en Administración de Empresas Cooperativas. Subdirectora del Centro de Estudios sobre Desarrollo Cooperativo y Comunitario  de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Pinar del Río. Directiva de la Red Latinoamericana de Cooperativismo y  miembro de la Confederación de Cooperativas del Caribe, Centro y Suramérica (CC-CA). Se desempeña como profesora e investigadora sobre el tema cooperativo a nivel nacional e internacional, obteniendo destacados resultados.


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