Digital strategy to strengthen the commercial management of Cuban agro livestock cooperatives

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Rudibel Perdigón Llanes


Agro livestock cooperatives play a significant role in food production and distribution in Cuba. This study identified deficiencies related to the business management processes of these organizations that affect their economic performance. Although there are several studies aimed to improve the efficiency of the marketing and commercialization systems in Cuban cooperatives, there is a lack of studies related to the application of digital technologies in the commercial relations of these organizations. This research aims to strengthen the commercial management of Cuban agro livestock cooperatives by applying a digital strategy. Analytical-synthetic, historical-logical and modeling methods were used as scientific methods. The proposed strategy is based on the use of social trade through the social network Facebook. The implementation of this strategy will make it possible to expand marketing, market relations, technological innovation and competitiveness of Cuban agro livestock cooperatives.


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How to Cite
Perdigón Llanes, R. (2020). Digital strategy to strengthen the commercial management of Cuban agro livestock cooperatives. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 33–44. Retrieved from
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