Rationale for the management of companies under the national plan for the good life
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There are many factors that influence the strategic process of the companies, however, the social factor as sustenance of the good life plays a significant role, which is translated by the direct participation of the man in all the activities of the company and as a member of A family and community that it has to maintain and develop. One of the great challenges of the business system is to face the problems that are present today, such as poverty, inequity and damage to the environment, which contributes to equating social development with technological and productive development. This leads to the need to combine social philosophy with competitiveness, management excellence and business success in its management. Establishing the general elements that should support the strategic management of companies, including within their fields of action productive economic management and social responsibility, was the objective of the work. Consequently, the paper addressed the theoretical and methodological foundations underlying strategic management under a social responsibility perspective.
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