Leadership and organizational climate for innovation in an Ecuadorian mining company

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Jorge Oswaldo Proaño Vargas
Angie Fernández Lorenzo


Leadership is fundamental in Ecuadorian companies, driving the development, efficiency and competitiveness of their employees. In Ecuador's mining companies, leadership is crucial to creating an innovative environment; leaders not only guide, but also inspire teams to achieve ambitious goals. They encourage creativity, the adoption of sustainable technologies and solutions, and promote a culture of innovation that benefits the mining industry and business progress in Ecuador. This paper was developed to evaluate how leadership influences the organizational climate for innovation in a mining company in Ecuador. Statistical models of factor analysis were applied to establish which type of leadership has the greatest influence on the organizational climate for innovation in the company studied. Relationships were found between transformational and transactional leadership factors with flexibility and innovation support, while task orientation in the field of innovation is influenced by elements of passive leadership.


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Proaño Vargas, J. O., & Fernández Lorenzo, A. (2024). Leadership and organizational climate for innovation in an Ecuadorian mining company . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(1), e698. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/698
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