Export management procedure for the electronics industry in Cuba
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In the Bases of the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030, the strategic axis of the nation is highlighted, related to productive transformations and international insertion, where reference is made to promoting the development of exports based on a competitive participation in international markets. The subject of research contributes to attenuate insufficiencies associated with the deployment of faculties and functions associated with the foreign trade activity to the socialist state enterprise, previously assumed by the central levels of management of the economy. This article details the procedure for the management of exports of goods and services in the "Ernesto Che Guevara" Electronic Components Enterprise. The dialectical-materialistic method was used, which allowed discovering the dialectics of the development of the process to be studied. Primary information was obtained through empirical methods. Interviews were conducted with local decision-makers linked to the export process. A diagnosis of the current state of the process of management of exports of goods and services in the company under study was made, where limitations in the process of internationalization management, scarce sources of external financing and lack of knowledge of the company's specialists and managers of the ways to develop internationalization strategies were found. The proposal provides managers with a methodological tool aimed at improving the decision-making process, based on scientific methods and tools, and contributes to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of this process.
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