Community perception in San Juan de Churin on the impact of tourism on local development

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Mariela Stacy Solano Lavado
Florisa Graciela García Chumioque
Patricia Maribel Yllescas Rodríguez
Mirlandia Odilia Valdés Florat


The scientific literature in the field of sustainable tourism emphasizes the crucial importance of the perception of the host community in small tourist destinations, due to its significant impact on the quality perceived by tourists. The objective of this article is to examine the perception of the host community of San Juan de Churin with respect to the economic, social and environmental development derived from tourism activity. A mixed methodology with a cross-sectional design was implemented to categorize the members of the host community into hierarchical groups, based on their perception of the impact of tourism on local development. The study combined quantitative (survey with closed-ended questions) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) methods. In-depth interviews revealed a convergence between leaders and community regarding the perception of achievements and challenges of local sustainable tourism. Spearman's correlation analysis, applied to the survey results, evidenced a moderate to strong positive relationship, between the dimensions of economic, social and environmental development and the overall perception of development by the community (0.563 ≤ ρ ≤ 0.834). Hierarchical cluster analysis, combined with nonparametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis Test), identified groups of individuals with similar perceptions of local tourism development. This classification provides an in-depth understanding of variations in community perceptions and needs, which could guide specific tourism management strategies and policies.


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Solano Lavado , M. S., García Chumioque, F. G., Yllescas Rodríguez, P. M., & Valdés Florat, M. O. (2024). Community perception in San Juan de Churin on the impact of tourism on local development . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(2), e692. Retrieved from
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