Cooperative development actions in the tannery mini-industry: contributions in "Arte del Cuero"

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Uliser Vecino Rondon
Gisela María Estrada Bazán
Adrián Cánova Herrandiz


The tanning industry needs to implement changes and adopt innovative technologies to guarantee efficient management, focused on environmental, social and economic sustainability. The work was carried out in 2022, in order to propose improvements to the "Arte del Cuero" project on the Isla de la Juventud, especially to treat the cattle skins generated in the "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" Meat-Based Business Unit. Data collection was carried out through various sources, including the production technology area, interviews with mini-industry producers and the "Abel Santamaría" Meat-Based Business Unit, as well as through direct observations of technological processes. Among the problems identified are: difficulties in processing, obsolete equipment, insufficient capacity, limited transportation and lack of economic study. Among the highlighted results, the need to coordinate with livestock production units for the care and marking of animal skins is emphasized, thus guaranteeing the optimal use of all available hides. Fulfillment of the objective not only yielded concrete results, but was also involved in the promotion of leather processing through a mini-tannery industry, with the collaboration of local actors to strengthen the project. Specific actions were proposed that not only improved the efficiency and sustainability of the production process, but also guaranteed the availability of raw materials at the local level to consolidate the project as a reference for the use of skins generated by the meat industry.


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How to Cite
Vecino Rondon, U., Estrada Bazán, G. M., & Cánova Herrandiz, A. (2024). Cooperative development actions in the tannery mini-industry: contributions in "Arte del Cuero" . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(2), e683. Retrieved from
Experiences of good practices


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