Identification of the tangible immovable cultural heritage for the development of local tourism. Matanzas case

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Arlett Medina Rodríguez
Jensy Tanda Díaz
Roberto Carmelo Pons García
Yanlis Rodríguez Veiguela


The tangible immovable cultural heritage is made concrete in the constructions or the set of them made by the man from the prehistory until the present time that represent the identity of the city. Matanzas is an example of city that possesses a high wealth as for cultural and patrimonial values that are sample of identity. As a result of the need for cities to adapt to the new changes existing worldwide, tourist destinations emerge, which must consolidate their identity in order to differentiate themselves from other cities and respond to the demands of the market. The purpose of this research is to identify the tangible immovable cultural heritage in terms of local tourism development. It is of an exploratory-descriptive type and uses theoretical and empirical methods that validate the procedure and its practical application in the city of Matanzas. Among the main results are: the application of the designed procedure in the case of the city of Matanzas, which allowed establishing the most identifying manifestations for its valorization and the integration of all the organizations that govern the immovable tangible cultural heritage in that city, which makes possible the modeling of the guidelines for the development of local tourism.


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How to Cite
Medina Rodríguez, A., Tanda Díaz, J., Pons García, R. C., & Rodríguez Veiguela, Y. (2022). Identification of the tangible immovable cultural heritage for the development of local tourism. Matanzas case. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 10(1), 44–62. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biography

Yanlis Rodríguez Veiguela, University of Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos". Vice-Rectorate

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas, Máster en Administración de Empresas - Mención Administración de Negocios, Vicerrectora 1 de la Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba. Presidenta adjunta de la Red Internacional de Administración Empresarial y Pública


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