The permacultura, an alternative in the production of foods from the school and the community

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Reina María Rodríguez García
Rosa Hernández Acosta
Juan Carlos Hernández Martín
Ana Cristina Pérez Hernández


One of the performances high-priority collections in the Calendar 21 are the reorientation of the education toward a sustainable development; he/she intends, in this sense that is helped to the schools to design plans related with the environment very integrated in their study plans. These directive ones serve as mark for contextualizar the present project in the one that, observing the thematic axes of the permacultura and using as central axis that of the production of foods that can be implemented and maintained with minimum resources, and in coordination with the group Ecomujer of Germany, is sought to link the primary school of group with the community to actions of use of the water rain for the production of foods in a school orchard of vegetables, medicinal plants, as well as an area of fruit-bearing in the primary school Eberto Polanco of the Popular Council of New Town of the municipality of Consolation of the South and this way to contribute to the population's alimentary education from the school and the community, being achieved the reorientation of the education toward the sustainable development, by means of the design and execution of plans of actions related with the environment and the alimentary culture and integrated to the effective study plans.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez García, R. M., Hernández Acosta, R., Hernández Martín, J. C., & Pérez Hernández, A. C. (2016). The permacultura, an alternative in the production of foods from the school and the community. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 4(1), 84–94. Retrieved from
Experiences of good practices
Author Biographies

Reina María Rodríguez García, Centro Universitario Municipal «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Consolación del Sur.

Máster en Ciencias.

Rosa Hernández Acosta, Centro Universitario Municipal «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Calle 53 No.6808, Consolación del Sur. CP.23 000

Doctora en Ciencias. Coordinadora de Medio Ambiente.

Juan Carlos Hernández Martín, Centro Universitario Municipal «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Calle 53 No.6808, Consolación del Sur. CP.23 000

Profesor auxiliar.

Ana Cristina Pérez Hernández, Centro Universitario Municipal «Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Calle 53 No.6808, Consolación del Sur. CP.23 000

Profesor Auxiliar. Coordinadora de carreras.


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