Potential of agroforestry enterprises for the development of wellness tourism

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Claudia María González Slovasevich
Yamilet Mirabal Sarria
Iverilys Pérez Hernández
Orlando Gómez Ramos


Tourism is a social phenomenon that has evolved over time and stands out for its complexity and variety of economic sectors involved. Although traditional tourism has a greater predominance in the market, alternative tourism has experienced a growing demand as a response to high levels of stress and anxiety in the population. Wellness tourism as a sub-segment of health tourism encompasses physical and spiritual dimensions that contribute to improving the quality of life. The province of Pinar del Río has a representation of landscape units that justify the practice of this activity. The objective of this work is to determine the potentialities of wellness tourism in the Macurijes Agroforestry Enterprise that contributes to the management of tourism activities of this sub-modality. Theoretical and empirical methods were used in the research, which facilitated the verification of the problematic situation and provided important elements to contribute to the development of specialized tourism, improving the quality of life of visitors and the community.


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How to Cite
González Slovasevich, C. M., Mirabal Sarria, Y., Pérez Hernández, I., & Gómez Ramos, O. (2023). Potential of agroforestry enterprises for the development of wellness tourism. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(2), e615. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/615
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