The 2030 Agenda: a review of gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Anabel Garrido Ortolá


In September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals were approved, giving way to the previous agenda: The Millennium Development Goals. At the halfway point of the date for their achievement in 2030, it is necessary to reflect on the setbacks and advances of the Agenda. Specifically, the objective of this article is to analyze the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the achievement of gender equity in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Specifically, it will address the situation of women's economic autonomy, addressing Goals 1, 5 and 8. The methodology used is through qualitative review, applying theoretical methods of a socio-legal nature and through the analysis-synthesis of the data obtained. To this end, this will be studied through two axes, on the one hand, the data collected from the region around the selected goals and indicators; and, on the other, the development of innovative legal norms. In this sense, although there have been some advances that allow the 2030 Agenda on a path of progress, the pandemic crisis has revealed the structural conditions of gender inequality, making it necessary to reflect on the crisis of care in the region. The pandemic crisis has shown several setbacks, but a positive trend can be indicated in the approval of comprehensive regulatory frameworks in the region, which shows the interest in making feminized and unpaid work visible, but these must be accompanied by a real political commitment.


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How to Cite
Garrido Ortolá, A. (2023). The 2030 Agenda: a review of gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(1), e561. Retrieved from
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