Main socioeconomic factors limiting the management of the "La Croquetera" non-agro livestock cooperative

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Amarilys Reyes Arzuaga
Alina del Carmen Alarcón Guerra


In 2011, with the approval of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines at the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, the creation of non-agro livestock cooperatives was promoted. In the province of Granma, in 2014, the first non-agro livestock cooperative "La Croquetera" was founded with the social purpose of providing gastronomic services. The cooperative sector in the province plays a fundamental role in satisfying the needs of the population. However, there are limitations that hinder and slow down the integral development of the cooperatives; for this reason, the objective of the research is to diagnose the main factors that limit the socioeconomic management of the non-agro livestock cooperative "La Croquetera". The theoretical method of high generalization used is the dialectical-materialistic one. As for the empirical methods, participant observation, survey and interview were used; the cooperative mirror instrument of the World Food Program was also used. As general results of the research, it was found that, among the factors limiting cooperative management, there is the lack of knowledge of cooperative principles, organizational problems and deficiency in contracts.


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How to Cite
Reyes Arzuaga, A., & Alarcón Guerra, A. del C. (2021). Main socioeconomic factors limiting the management of the "La Croquetera" non-agro livestock cooperative. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 9(2), 673–688. Retrieved from
Experiences of good practices
Author Biography

Amarilys Reyes Arzuaga, Universidad de Granma

Profesora de la carreara de Economía en la Universidad de Granma, comencé a trabajar en el 2008 como profesora en el departamento de Marxismo - Leninismo. En el 2013 me gradue de master en Desarrollo Regional en la Universidad de Camaguey y actualmente curso un doctorado curricular de Economía Política en la Universidad de la Habana.


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