Visualization of scientific publications on cooperativism and development through the CadelLAB Observatory

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Raudel Giráldez Reyes
Maidelyn Díaz Pérez


Cuban universities have a high commitment to the country on the issue of open access and socialization of scientific knowledge. In this sense, scientific observatories can make a significant contribution. This research aims to showcase the CadelLAB Thematic Observatory based on a case study, intended at visualizing the international scientific publication on Cooperativism and Development, published in open access. The research applied theoretical and empirical level methods for the understanding, development and analysis of the topic. The results obtained visualize in time (2000-2020) the behavior of the domain by different variables, showing the high potentialities that this type of Observatory has to monitor specific thematic axes of knowledge and their dynamics in international scientific publications.


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How to Cite
Giráldez Reyes, R., & Díaz Pérez, M. (2020). Visualization of scientific publications on cooperativism and development through the CadelLAB Observatory. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 8(2), 282–295. Retrieved from
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