The economic regime of marriage in Cuba and the status of the cooperative partner spouse

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Nileidys Torga Hernández


Cooperatives are one of the most common associative forms in humanity. An essential and constitutive compound of cooperatives is the personal element: the members. On the other hand, family life is basic in the human condition. The economic regime of marriage is the institution that from the Family Law organizes the economic relations of the spouses among themselves and of these with third parties. Taking into account that a person can hold the status of cooperative partner and be subject to a marital economic regime for possessing the marital status of married; important questions arise related to goods. This material is intended to argue the implications of the status of a person's cooperative partner in the economic regime of marriage in Cuba. This is based on the theoretical and normative analysis of the cooperative partner categories and economic regime of marriage in the Cuban legal system and then the relevant connections are established. In the analysis the materialistic dialectic was used as the guiding method. In addition, theoretical methods such as legal doctrinal and analysis-synthesis and empirical methods such as document analysis were used. In general, it is evident that the contributions of the members to the cooperatives can be at the expense of their own or common flow; while the benefits obtained from the cooperative generally benefit the community of property and the whole family.


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How to Cite
Torga Hernández, N. (2020). The economic regime of marriage in Cuba and the status of the cooperative partner spouse. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 131–146. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Nileidys Torga Hernández, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Profesora Auxiliar a tiempo completo y Jefa de la Disciplina de Derecho Civil y Familia del Departamento de Derecho de la Universidad de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Máster en Derecho de Familia y en Ciencias de la Educación. Licenciada en Derecho y en Economía. Vicepresidenta del Capítulo provincial de Derecho Civil y Familia en Pinar del Río.


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