Management of conch and oyster processing residues. Characterization and local development opportunity
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In the Industrial Base Business Unit of the Industrial Fishing Company of La Coloma, Pinar del Río, the conch and oyster production process generates solid residues that accumulates in inappropriate places, which represents a source of contamination that threatens the health of workers and the environmental performance of the organization. The objective of this work is to characterize the management of solid residues generated in the conch and oyster production process, which will allow to valorize it and contribute to the development of the locality. A descriptive observational research was developed through the empirical methods of observation and measurement. The techniques used to collect information included documentary analysis, an observation guide, a survey of specialists and workers to identify the level of knowledge on environmental issues, and an interview with managers. The main results were that during the years 2022, 2023, and until April 2024, the company generated 455,466 tons of solid residues from the industrial process, of which 116,882 tons corresponded to oyster and conch shells that are not used. It was also found that there is insufficient training and awareness among workers on environmental issues and that the need to strengthen integrated management and proper handling of solid conch and oyster residues would minimize environmental impact and increase its added value, contributing to the development of the company and the locality.
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