The governance of cultural heritage: a view from the Cuban legal system

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Rosa Julliet González Ruiz


The legal system for the protection of cultural heritage establishes the defense mechanisms and guarantees, the functions, the system and the space in which national and local authorities can act in favor of economic growth. The research carried out has not exhausted the analysis of the multiple linkages and formulations of governance in the field of legal protection of cultural heritage, which is why the realization of this article is attractive. Its purpose is to propose the improvement of the legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage from the approach of governance, starting from identifying its foundations based on the elements of the legal protection of cultural heritage and the linkages of the legal framework for the protection of cultural heritage and governance. Based on these determinations, the rules that make up the current Cuban legal framework in this area were examined. For this purpose, the methods of analysis-synthesis, the systematization of foreign experiences related to governance in the dynamics of legal protection of cultural heritage and the exegesis of the rules contained in the General Law for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and Natural Heritage, law number 155 of 2022, were used. From its development, the foundations of the legal protection of cultural heritage and its governance, as well as an initial diagnosis of the inadequacies of the Cuban legal framework to the detriment of the conservation, transmission, management, enhancement and governance of heritage assets were identified.


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González Ruiz, R. J. (2023). The governance of cultural heritage: a view from the Cuban legal system . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(3), e617. Retrieved from
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