Production chain of common bean in agriculture and livestock cooperative: intervention proposal of the AGROCADENAS project
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The support program for the strengthening of Agrifood Chains (AGROCADENAS) prioritizes the study in the common bean chain. In the Yaguajay municipality, in the province of Sancti Spíritus, it was found that there are deficiencies in the common bean production chain. The objective of the work was to design an intervention proposal to help mitigate the critical points ("bottlenecks") identified in the productive chain of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Agroindustrial Grain Company "Valle de Caonao" in the Yaguajay municipality. A diagnosis was made based on the added value chain approach and the stages and steps of the proposed methodology for the diagnosis of AGROCADENAS were followed. To respond to the problem, a business plan was presented for the installation of an industrial plant for the benefit of drying, cleaning, grading, polishing and packaging of the grain. Among the benefits of the intervention is the introduction of a new technology in the country to benefit the bean grain adequately for the benefit of the population and for social consumption. It is expected to stimulate the production of corn, sorghum and chickpea, which will guarantee the sustainability of the plant during the non-productive cycle of the common bean. In addition, revenues amounting to $ 555 210 601.0 are generated for the entity, 60 new jobs, and the incorporation of women and young people into the productive process.
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