Teaching Cooperative Law and Cooperative Education. A dialectical pair?

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Aliani Díaz López
Liyanis Santana Santana
Nileidys Torga Hernández


The 2030 Agenda proposes seventeen sustainable development goals that include: Fourth: “Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”; Eighth: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” and Twelfth: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production modalities”. In the context of the update of the Cuban Economic Model, Cuba has decided to articulate a series of transformations aimed, among other things, at strengthening the cooperative sector that includes the recognition and legal regulation of non-agricultural cooperatives, as a new modality within the Cuban economic actors. The present work exposes the relationship between education and cooperatives with the objective of arguing the relationship between Cooperative Law and cooperative education. Theoretical, logical and empirical methods were used for the development of the research, among which are: historical, dialectical-materialist, systemic and observation methods. The aforementioned methods allowed addressing some doctrinal and historical considerations about the need for cooperative education as a viable alternative for the full development of the non-agricultural cooperative as an economic actor in the current Cuban context, all of the above backed by the teaching of Cooperative Law.


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How to Cite
Díaz López, A., Santana Santana, L., & Torga Hernández, N. (2020). Teaching Cooperative Law and Cooperative Education. A dialectical pair?. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 8(1), 7–18. Retrieved from https://coodes.upr.edu.cu/index.php/coodes/article/view/225
Original articles
Author Biographies

Aliani Díaz López, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Titular del Departamento de Derecho.

Liyanis Santana Santana, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Titular del Departamento de Derecho.

Nileidys Torga Hernández, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Máster en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Auxiliar del Deparatmaento de Derecho.


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