The financial process in small and medium enterprises
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The small medium enterprises contribute to productive apparatus of Quevedo Canton in this line of our country. These institutions count on a great number of entrepreneurs in the all productive levels. But it has generated some difficulties in the organizations’ control, even occasionally by managers’ oversight. There also are weak supports in the control and enterprise’s addressing. The present research was done with the purpose to determine the incidence of financial management is small and medium enterprises of Quevedo Canton. Empirical and theoretical methods were used and also some researching techniques such as surveys and documentary and literature review and the law and regulations of these enterprises were consulted. One of the main results was the necessity to incorporate integral training plans to improve the financial economic management of each enterprise. It concludes panting out that 74 % of small enterprises didn´t count on appropriate organizational structure to develop productive activities like the 68 % medium enterprises.
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