Sentiment analysis of the textual opinions associated with Las Terrazas resort
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Sentiment analysis or opinion mining, according to the literature, provides companies with the opportunity to obtain relevant information about customers' reactions to their brand or product. This makes it easier for them to improve their marketing strategies and make decisions more efficiently. The relevance of the subject is fundamental for tourism and for spaces such as Las Terrazas resort, as it facilitates the monitoring of customer satisfaction and market research. Currently, despite its attractiveness, it does not have studies that systematically analyze the perceptions of its visitors through the opinions expressed on TripAdvisor. In this scenario, the present research arises with the objective of analyzing the behavior of the sentiments of the textual opinions associated with Las Terrazas tourist resort. For the development of this research, a methodology structured in five phases was used, which included web scraping techniques, the problem tree and the Pareto diagram tool. In addition, software such as R-Studio, Excel, Paint 3D and the Google Instant Data Scraper extension were used to automatically scrape the opinions. The results reveal a trend decrease in the number of opinions, with the majority being negative. Overall visitor dissatisfaction was identified as a central problem, which puts the resort's image at risk due to unfavorable reviews and, if no quick action is taken, could worsen the existing situation.
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