Customer perspective on corporate social responsibility of restaurants. Validation of a scale

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Manuel Enrique
Jorge Luis Carbajal Arroyo
Milagros del Pilar
Amyrsa Salgado Rodríguez


Currently, socially responsible practice and the monitoring of the degree to which it is carried out is a condition for the sustainability of restaurants as enterprises. The contextual validation of research instruments and their theoretical and cultural bases is a prerequisite for the successful development of socially responsible management approaches in restaurants. The aim of the study was to verify the validity and reliability, in the field of restaurant companies, of a scale for the evaluation of corporate social responsibility from the customers' perspective. The research was quantitative and developed under a cross-sectional approach. A survey validated by other authors was used to evaluate Corporate Social Responsibility. The sample consisted of 420 customers of restaurants in an area of high tourist attraction in Lima, Peru. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to process the results. The results showed an adequate goodness of fit of the model and acceptable indexes of convergent validity, discriminant validity and reliability. The analysis also revealed the need to continue perfecting the wording of the instrument's items to meet the requirements for the evaluation of corporate social responsibility in the context of the restaurant industry.


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How to Cite
Manuel Enrique, Carbajal Arroyo, J. L., Milagros del Pilar, & Salgado Rodríguez, A. (2024). Customer perspective on corporate social responsibility of restaurants. Validation of a scale . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(2), e689. Retrieved from
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