Management of cooperative companies. Study of this topic in open access journals

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Odalys Labrador Machín
Raudel Giráldez Reyes
Carlos Cesar Torres Paez


Cooperativism, since its emergence, has promulgated a way of bringing together producers of various objects or social orders in a type of company that supports the community and the common good of the society it serves. This phenomenon constitutes an emerging research issue in interdisciplinary topics in science. This research is based on the application of theoretical methods and documentary analysis to locate theoretical references on the management of cooperative companies as a theme in the socialization of scientific knowledge. A domain analysis of the topic management of cooperative businesses was carried out to visualize the main journals and authors that address scientific results related to the topic. The Open Access Observatory developed by the University of Pinar del Río was used as a source of information, which compiles academic information from the Directory of Open Access Journals and facilitates the representation of the information from different parameters. Bibliometric indicators were applied to visualize the most distinctive institutions, authors and countries, it is evident that the topic is poorly socialized in the scientific community, with instability in scientific production existing in the period analyzed (2003-2022). The present research revealed the need to extend the study to other sources of information, with emphasis on the English language. In addition, it allowed to analyze the behavior of publications on the subject, available in open access, specifically those that are framed in the application of topics related to Economic Sciences.


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How to Cite
Labrador Machín, O., Soleidy, Giráldez Reyes, R., & Torres Paez, C. C. (2024). Management of cooperative companies. Study of this topic in open access journals . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(1), e687. Retrieved from
Original articles


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