The university and the new economic actors

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Arelys Rodríguez Gavilla


The new economic actors are part of the transforming process pursued by the Cuban nation in the search for greater economic-social development and are born under the protection of new legislation that bets on the participation of all sectors of the country. The preparation and education of its representatives are in the hands of the University, which establishes links with companies and the population in order to promote the necessary professional training throughout life, which should not be framed in age groups, in a specific space or time, where the most important thing is the desire to better oneself. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the need for the creation of a diploma course for the training of economic actors. Different materials and methods were used, starting from a dialectical-materialist approach in a mixed approach; among the theoretical methods used are: analysis-synthesis, abstract-concrete, historical-logical, induction-deduction and as empirical methods and techniques: scientific, simple, systematic and non-participant observation. An initial diagnosis was also carried out on the systematization of research results. The experience provided made it possible to affirm that the new postgraduate program provides a group of training actions and offers the necessary management tools for the new economic actors, which can be seen in the main impacts obtained.


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Rodríguez Gavilla, A. (2024). The university and the new economic actors . Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(2), e654. Retrieved from
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