Adventure Tourism: a positive influence on the sustainable development of the sector

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Julio Cesar Rodríguez Ugalde
Arcelio Ezequiel Fernández González
Ónix Edelma Pestana Mercader
Ariel Romeu Martínez


The positive impact that the development of the adventure tourism subsegment in the "Río Canímar" Valley generates in the sector and the local population is seen as an element of interest for the scientific community of Sports and Physical Recreation in the province of Matanzas, where background research shows sustainable growth in the practice of this activity. The study was based on different scientific methods at the theoretical and empirical levels, with the objective being: to assess the positive influence exerted by the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the "Río Canímar" Valley on the sustainable development of the sector and the demarcation. The results demonstrated that the contents associated with the main positive impacts generated by the practice of Adventure Tourism activities in the sector and the demarcation are systematized, organized and interrelated.


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Rodríguez Ugalde, J. C., Fernández González , A. E., Pestana Mercader, Ónix E., & Romeu Martínez, A. (2024). Adventure Tourism: a positive influence on the sustainable development of the sector. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 12(1), e588. Retrieved from
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