Variables for measuring social responsibility and social impact of Cuban banks

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Anisabel Regla Gálvez Fernández
Francisco Fidel Borrás Atienzar
Laritza Quiroz Serrano
Inés Josefina Torres Moras


Corporate Social Responsibility is a subject widely covered in the scientific literature from different approaches and perspectives, with a growing application in business practice. The banking sector has not been exempt from this influence and it is recognized that banking institutions are characterized by the assumption of social responsibility in their business philosophy and the publication of sustainability reports, which seek to make visible the social impacts of their activity. The objective of this study was to determine the variables for the measurement of social responsibility and the social impact of banks with a view to the preparation of sustainability reports in the Cuban banking sector. The methodology used corresponds to a mixed, cross-sectional, non-experimental approach research, where the content analysis technique and the Matrice d' Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliqués à un Classement strategic prospective technique were used. At the theoretical-conceptual level, a definition of Banking Social Responsibility contextualized to the particularities of Cuban banking is proposed. As a result, 17 variables were determined, conceptualized and classified by the triple dimension of social responsibility, of which 12 were classified as key and six as potentially strategic, where capital yield, communication, information and innovation and dissemination stand out. 58.8% of the identified variables correspond to the social dimension. The result of this study creates the bases for the design of indicators contextualized to the country's banking activity, but considering the international experience on the subject.


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How to Cite
Gálvez Fernández, A. R., Borrás Atienzar, F. F., Quiroz Serrano, L., & Torres Moras, I. J. (2023). Variables for measuring social responsibility and social impact of Cuban banks. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(1), e581. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Anisabel Regla Gálvez Fernández, University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz"

Doctora en Ciencias Contables Financieras. Profesora Auxiliar de Contabilidad en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UC. Metodóloga de Relaciones Internacionales de la UC. Miembro de la Red Nacional de Estudios Bancarios.

Francisco Fidel Borrás Atienzar, University of Havana

Doctor en Ciencias Ecnómicas. Profesor e investigadorTitular del Centro de Economía Cubana. Vicepresidente de Actividades Científicas de la ANEC Nacional. Jefe de proyecto nacional CITMA y Red Nacional de Estudios Bancarios

Laritza Quiroz Serrano, Popular Savings Bank of Camagüey

Licenciiada en Contabilidad y Finanzas. Especialista C en gestión de Recursos Humanos del BPA Camaguey sucursal 5952 Cisneros. Se encuentra cursando la Maestría en Contabilidad Gerencial


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