Inconsistency between actors in the maize seed system: a risk for local development

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Ernesto Miguel Ferro Valdés
Gretel Geada López
Mariol Morejón García
Anaimy Gigato Toledo
Yoel Martínez Maqueira


With the objective of evaluating the existing relationship between actors of the formal seed sector and the peasant cooperative sector to implement development strategies for the cultivation of maize in mountainous areas, in three municipalities in the north of Pinar del Río, individual interviews were conducted with 57 actors (peasants and agricultural technicians), with open and closed questions to collect information on the reasons why they adopt improved and creole seeds of the cereal, as well as relevant information on the varieties they handle. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data analysis. The first ones were used to organize the data, such as causal attribution analysis, used to identify and classify categories and dimensions. In the case of quantitative methods, frequency analysis, calculation of averages and percentages were used to characterize the systems studied, and multidimensional scaling analysis was used to determine the relationship between the actors, based on the categories expressed by them. The results obtained indicate that farmers and seed policy decision-makers have different perceptions regarding the reasons for using creole and improved maize seeds and, above all, have a different vision regarding the value of seed use, which shows the existence of inconsistencies between the two groups of actors.


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How to Cite
Ferro Valdés, E. M., Geada López, G., Morejón García, M., Gigato Toledo, A., & Martínez Maqueira, Y. (2023). Inconsistency between actors in the maize seed system: a risk for local development. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 11(1), e525. Retrieved from
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