Digital transformation models in the management of commercial companies

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José Townsend Valencia
Janina Figueroa Filián


The phenomenon of digital transformation is emerging as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, which has accelerated commercial companies, forcing them to modify their processes, improve their competitiveness and develop new digital strategies, taking advantage of the full potential of technology to meet their customers. The objective of the study is to establish whether companies in the commerce sector are prepared for the digital transformation process. The proposed research model exposes the areas of the business in which digital technologies are most affected; it focuses on answering the what? and the which? from the perspective of five domains of the underlying principles of the strategies, changing the rules of the business. The research conducted is of qualitative and non-experimental design. The research method was inductive and its scope descriptive and correlational with the objective of quantifying the relationship between the concepts and their variables. The statistical and field technique was used, the main instrument for collecting information was the questionnaire, followed by the databases, using a statistical analysis program that showed the most significant aspects of the indicators studied.


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How to Cite
Townsend Valencia, J., & Figueroa Filián, J. (2022). Digital transformation models in the management of commercial companies. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 10(2), 407–429. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

José Townsend Valencia, Business Technological University of Guayaquil

Doctor en Gestión Económica Global, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil

Janina Figueroa Filián, Business Technological University of Guayaquil

Magister en Sistemas de Información Gerencial, Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil


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