Tourism product innovation procedure for the Wedding and Honeymoon coordination process

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Asiel González Crespo
Edianny Carballo Cruz
Elme Carballo Ramos


Product innovation is conceptualized as the implementation of new or significantly improved products or processes, which can provide the tourism sector with a high degree of added value that contributes to raising the levels of exclusivity and differentiation of the competition. The objective of this work is to design a product innovation procedure through the use of its functions and tools for the satisfaction of customers in the Wedding and Honeymoon segment at the Hotel Meliá Jardines del Rey. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, systemic research method and documentary analysis and empirical methods such as interview, observation, survey and measurement were used. A product innovation procedure was designed that, using the product's functions and tools, generates new or improved products for the satisfaction of customers in the Wedding and Honeymoon segment at the Hotel Meliá Jardines del Rey. The proposed procedure is presented in three phases, where the function monitoring had the greatest impact on the generation of new and improved products for customer satisfaction. The theoretical analysis of the coordination process of Weddings and Honeymoons and the innovation of tourism products allowed to assume references related to the components of the innovative activity and to reveal, from the functions and tools of the innovation of products, the relational functioning of these for the satisfaction of the clients with the new and improved tourism products.


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González Crespo, A., Carballo Cruz, E., & Carballo Ramos, E. (2022). Tourism product innovation procedure for the Wedding and Honeymoon coordination process. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 10(3), 536–561. Retrieved from
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