Methodology for the development of essential management skills from tourism training

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Jimmy Eduardo Ascón Villa
Máryuri García González


The development of essential management skills through the development processes promoted by the managers of Higher Education Institutions linked to the training of managers of tourism, travel and hospitality activities, constitutes a challenge since the methodologies that have been established in this sense are currently insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to propose the theoretical-methodological bases, as well as the definition of methodological components and budgets for its continuous improvement in higher education. Therefore, this paper is oriented to the design of a methodology for the development of essential management skills in tourism education, using different tools, among which workshops and questionnaires stand out. The strategic diagnosis of the current situation of these managers and their influence on the future managers of the activity in the sector and the academy allowed the identification of the variables that condition the design, as well as the regularities of the same. A methodology for the development of essential management skills is then proposed, based on three components and four fundamental steps.


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How to Cite
Ascón Villa, J. E., & García González, M. (2021). Methodology for the development of essential management skills from tourism training. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 116–136. Retrieved from
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