Procedure for the design of the "GreenRoad" tourism product for Ecotur S.A. travel agency

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Yennifer Sánchez Borges
Melissa Caridad Sánchez Llabona


Every moment that passes in the process of social evolution makes evident the increasing concern for the welfare of the human future, since many of the activities that are carried out cause strong negative externalities. In this position, it is found the tourist activity, which is why the development of a sustainable tourist model, ideal for family time, becomes an imperative need. This research arises from the problem of not taking advantage of the resources of the "El Trébol" Integral Forestry Farm in Havana del Este, for the development of rural tourism. Therefore, the general objective was established as follows: To propose the design of the GreenRoad tourist product for the Ecotur S.A. travel agency. In order to achieve this objective, an applied, descriptive and field research was carried out and a methodology on the design of tourist products was used, to which some modifications were made to achieve a better adjustment with the objective of the work. In the development of the research, a series of techniques and methodological tools were used, among which the O'Meara test and non-probabilistic random sampling were used, using the Statistica SPSS program. The main result was the proposal for the design of the GreenRoad tourism product in order to promote environmentally responsible tourism.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Borges, Y., & Sánchez Llabona, M. C. (2021). Procedure for the design of the "GreenRoad" tourism product for Ecotur S.A. travel agency. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 61–92. Retrieved from
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