Technological research-extension procedure for the sustainable feeding of sheep, preliminary results

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Javier Antonio Herrera Toscano
Oscar Carmenate Figueredo


Sheep are in high demand in the Cuban population. Most of the sheep production systems in Cuba can be classified as extensive. Ninety-five percent of the mass is in the cooperative or private sector, which implies the development of different work strategies. The objective of the work was to implement a technological research-extension procedure for the sustainable feeding of sheep with local resources. The research was carried out in Las Tunas municipality, Las Tunas province, Cuba. The period analyzed was between 2016 and 2019. The procedure was designed in five stages. Stage I: Characterization and typing of sheep production scenarios with a multivariate approach. Stage II: Identification and selection of available local resources with potential for sheep feed. Stage III: Implementation of innovation and local value networks for sheep. Stage IV: Evaluation under experimental conditions of local resources with potential for sheep feed. Stage V: Training and specialization of producers in the use of local resources with potential for sheep feed. Stage VI: Evaluation of the productive, economic, social and environmental impact, under commercial conditions of technologies based on the use of different local resources with potential for sheep feeding. The sequence of operations used could be considered as a technological research-extension procedure for the sustainable feeding of sheep, with local resources that presents a systemic and integrative approach.


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How to Cite
Herrera Toscano, J. A., & Carmenate Figueredo, O. (2021). Technological research-extension procedure for the sustainable feeding of sheep, preliminary results. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 9(1), 9–28. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biography

Javier Antonio Herrera Toscano, Instituto de Ciencia Animal

 Javier Antonio Herrera Toscano.  Ingeniero  AgrónomoInstituto de Ciencia Animal.  Investigador Titular Dr C. RAMA DE LA CIENCIA, ESPECIALIDAD:   Manejo y alimentación de animales rumiantes, con énfasis en ovinos y caprinos e ingeniería de sistemas agropecuarios.Experiencia profesional. Extensión y transferencia tecnológica (2001 -2020).Manejo y alimentación de animales rumiantes con énfasis en ovinos y caprinos (2003 - 2020).Ingeniería de sistemas agropecuarios (2006 – 2020).


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