Impact of the Mariel Special Development Zone on the Construction and Assembly Enterprise

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Maidelin Quesada Sotolongo
Maricela González Pérez
Humberto García Valdés


The special economic development zones not only provide a high economic contribution to the country, but also to the territory where they are located, by generating new jobs and markets for different enterprises, allowing them to increase and diversify their production. Cuba created its first special development zone in 2013, located in the municipality of Mariel, province of Artemisa. The contribution to the development of local enterprises that produce goods or services for it has not yet been quantified, since there are no precedents in this type of evaluation in the country. For this reason, this article aims at: assessing the impact of the economic zone, in the Mariel Construction and Assembly Enterprise, through the definition of determined dimensions and indicators, from international experiences, with an adaptation for Cuba. The evaluation contains quantifiable parameters, which indicate the impact in aspects such as: employment, wealth generation and productivity. The information processing showed that, in general, the impact of the area has been very favorable; among other results, it is highlighted that more than five hundred annual average jobs have been generated, as well as a sustained increase of productivity and average salary between 2016 and 2018.


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How to Cite
Quesada Sotolongo, M., González Pérez, M., & García Valdés, H. (2020). Impact of the Mariel Special Development Zone on the Construction and Assembly Enterprise. Cooperativismo Y Desarrollo, 8(3), 508–525. Retrieved from
Original articles
Author Biography

Maidelin Quesada Sotolongo, Universidad de Artemisa

Profesora Auxiliar del Departamento de Ciencias Económicas, Facultad de Ingenierías y Ciencias Empreariales, Universidad de Artemisa


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